Smart home devices allow users to remotely monitor and control features of a home. 可以是锁, 车库门, 灯泡, 烟雾报警器, 网点, 相机, other sensors—or all of them at once through an internet-connected hub.

More homeowners are incorporating connected devices and automation into their home, and according to experts, the global home automation market could be worth over $121 billion by 2020. Here are a few terms you should know to speak confidently with clients about smart homes:

智能家居: A home that incorporates devices and appliances that are connected to each other and accessible through a central hub or remote.

连接设备: Devices that are connected to the internet and can sense and control aspects of a home.

家庭自动化: Using an app or program to control features of a home on a schedule or through triggers you define.

中心: A central device that connects all the others on the home automation network and acts as the brain of the home.

Use the resources below to learn more about smart home technology and answer your clients’ questions:

How to make your home a smart home [纽约时报]

The skeptic’s guide to smart home gadgets (洛杉矶时报)

Smarter home guide: What you need to know (and buy) (汤姆的指南)

The best smart home devices of 2018 (PC Mag)

How to make a smart home (《2021十大正规彩票app》)

How to get your (smart) home connected [这座老房子]

Beginner’s guide to smart home (中等)

Field Guide: Smart Homes (NAR)