REALTOR®️ Day at the Texas Capitol is a cornerstone event in the association’s advocacy efforts. This event is usually held in person during the legislative session; however, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®️ is adapting this year’s event by hosting virtual meetings with members of the 87th 德州议会 in March and April.

The 2021 legislative session looks different than years past, and the need for REALTORS®️ to advocate for Texas real estate is greater than ever.  


访问 to RSVP for meetings with your state senator and state representative and to add the Opening Session and 关闭会话 to your calendar.

  • 3月15日上午10点至11点.m.:开幕会议
  • March 15-April 9: 会议 with Texas legislators (scheduling will begin soon and will be based on each legislator’s availability)
  • 4月9日下午2-3点.m. 关闭会话.


德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® is scheduling meetings with the offices of all 181 legislators. Meeting times and dates will be based on the legislators’ availability between March 15 and April 9. 请联系 杰米西姆斯 for questions about scheduling meetings with legislators.

Who will Lead the 会议?

REALTORS® who serve as lead contacts on the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Legislative Contact Teams will lead the discussions with legislators. 请联系 乔安娜·拉米雷斯 for questions about how REALTORS® can join a Legislative Contact Team.