The 85th 德州议会 considered several bills related to commercial real estate.

  • 在常会期间, TAR支持众议院1449号法案(西蒙斯), which was signed into law to prohibit cities from imposing linkage fees on all new residential and commercial construction effective May 29.
  • TAR opposed legislation in the regular session that would have allowed a central appraisal district to appraise specialized commercial property using a method that includes hypothetical use in the valuation. This change would have meant commercial property owners would be subject to property 税 based on their potential business options, rather than the value of the physical structure and land. Thanks to 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®’ efforts to educate lawmakers, this bill didn’t advance.
  • TAR opposed multiple bills this session that would have extended the 10% appraisal cap on homestead residences to commercial and industrial real property. 这些账单没有预付.