First-time 卖家 beware: there are lots of myths out there about the right way to sell 你r home. While 你r Texas REALTOR® is 你r first line of defense against making these mistakes, here are three common 销售 myths busted:

Myth: I’ll sell my home on my own and save money by not using a real estate agent.
真相: 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®不免费工作, but that’s because they provide valuable assistance through the home-销售 process. A REALTOR® can help 你 reduce 你r risk of making a costly 销售 mistake and are plugged into 你r local housing market. 如果你自己动手, that means 你’ll have to spend time 市场营销 你r home adequately, 可以带你去看房子, and navigate 你r way through a tricky transaction alone.

Myth: If I price my home higher than market value, I’m leaving room for 谈判s.
真相: 买家 have no idea this is 你r strategy and won’t understand why 你r price is too high. Many won’t even view 你r home if it’s priced too high, much less put in an offer. An improperly priced home is also more likely to sit on the market, making potential 买家 think there’s something wrong with it. 当这种情况发生时, 你’ll probably end up with lower offers than if 你’d priced the property correctly from Day One.

Myth: I’ll mow the lawn and hide my stuff and my home will be ready to show.
真相: Is a mowed lawn and hidden clutter all it takes to attract  去一个家? It won’t work for potential 买家 of 你r property, either. Your Texas REALTOR® might go through 你r home with 你 and identify areas that could use some sprucing up to make 你r home more appealing. Or, he or she might recommend working with a home stager to make the best impression. Be open to those suggestions … 你r Texas REALTOR® knows what makes a property sell quickly for top dollar.