Promoting your expertise with shareable content relevant to real estate or your community is a great 市场营销 technique. But where do you get ideas for your newsletter, blog, 社交媒体 posts?

Here are 15 suggestions to get you started. Also, check out the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® feeds on 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram for daily, consumer-focused content you can share.

  • 本地市场统计数字
  • 按揭的种类
  • 卖家常犯的错误
  • 常见的购买错误
  • Basics of home inspections
  • Explanation of title insurance
  • 资源 for new residents (e.g., contact information for the electric and gas companies)
  • What to expect at closing
  • Simple repairs that will give 卖家 the best return
  • Tips from a local company about how to maintain HVAC systems
  • The difference between a REALTOR® and a license holder
  • Interesting historical facts about your city
  • Restaurant and business openings in the area
  • Upcoming events in your community (e.g., high school sports and farmers markets)
  • School information from the local district (e.g., first and last days of school)