确保你从会员中获得最大的价值. 当委员会的志愿者,参加我们的会议,参观 rupiahpasti.net for information and resources, read association emails, take our surveys to help us get even better, and spread the word to other REALTORS®.

您每年向Texas REALTORS®支付152美元,您得到了什么? Probably more than you realize!

Advocacy. 我没有自己的游说团队,也不知道从哪里开始. I bet the same is true for you. 我们从全职政府事务人员和游说团队的工作中受益匪浅. Based on member input and involvement, 我们的员工确保州一级通过的法律不会伤害您和您的客户. 这个经验丰富、才华横溢的团队保护着我们伟大的德州商业环境, 把我们从2021十大正规彩票app转让费和服务税等破坏性提案中拯救出来. That gives me great peace of mind!

Legal Hotline and Resources. 你的会费将使法律热线成为可能. 想想看,你会付给私人律师多少钱来回答一个问题. 你可以向热线律师询问有关表格的问题, contracts, real estate laws, regulations, and more. (Important caveat: Hotline attorneys answer general questions about real estate laws but cannot give legal advice; they are not your personal attorney.) You also can search more than 500 Legal FAQs, download model compliance guides, 并利用其他降低风险的资源.

MarketViewer. 你知道上个月、季度或去年在你的市场上卖出了多少套房子吗? marketviewer——包含在你的会费中,只对会员开放——给你带来销售, median price, months of inventory, days on market, price per square foot, and more. 生成报告和信息图表,提供给客户并在线共享. 商业会员可以访问MarketViewer的商业仪表板, with data for 11 commercial market segments.

Resources for Specialties. 如果你从事商业,物业管理,农场 & 您可以从Texas REALTORS®获得专业信息. 电子邮件通讯、网络研讨会和委员会工作确保你的利益得到保护. Texas REALTORS®的宣传和教育涉及1031交流等主题, trade missions, land rules, assistance animals, and more.

Exclusive Forms and ZipForm. Yes, TREC颁布了一些最常用的合同, 但你知道德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®提供140个额外的合同吗, forms, and addenda? You get commercial forms, listing agreements, disclosures, notices, leases, 以及其他形式,以涵盖您和您的客户需要的大部分活动. 您可以通过zipForm管理所有表单,这是最常用的Texas REALTORS®福利之一. 我从会员那里听说,在Texas REALTORS®将zipForm作为会员福利之前, REALTORS® frequently paid $400, $700, even $1,每年200美元用于他们的表格管理平台!

This just scratches the surface. 你还可以在我们全年的许多会议上获得交流机会和教育项目, 管理与《十大网络彩票平台大全》相关的专业标准流程, this magazine and our weekly newsletter, discounts on dozens of products and services, and much, much more—and all for only $152 per year. For everything we get, that is cheap!

我鼓励你翻到这本杂志的内页封面,看看我们的州会费是如何爆发的. Even better, 花时间确保您从您的德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®会员中获得最大价值. 当委员会的志愿者,参加我们的会议,参观 rupiahpasti.net for information and resources, read the Texas REALTORS® emails, take our surveys to help us get even better, 并把这个消息传播给你认识的其他2021十大正规彩票app经纪人. If you’re like me, 你会告诉他们,你不敢相信你能从你的会员资格中得到这么多的价值!